power solutions
Jacks Engineering has over 20 years of engineering experience in controlling power generation. We offer optimum control system solutions for existing turbines, reciprocating engines and related equipment.
Controls systems for diesel generation installations
Jacks Engineering is a specialist in the market of control systems for power generation. Our capabilities include control systems for gas installations, reciprocating engines, steam turbines, station control systems and electric power management systems.
Control system design, parts and assembly
Jacks Engineering offers a complete spectrum of services for control systems, including specification, software and hardware design, parts procurement and system assembly, in-house and on-site testing, subcontracting and supervision for on-site construction, commissioning, handover, customer training and support.
Power management systems
Jacks Engineering has significant experience in power management systems where multiple generators are running in parallel on an isolated grid. This includes the following:
Load sharing (isoch, droop, compensated droop modes)
Reactive load sharing
Grid voltage control
Grid frequency control
Load shedding using different schemes i.e. preverentail tripping, phaseback limitation, group shedding
Load inhibition - inhibits turning on loads if this would endanger grid stability
Speciality synchronisation schemes, for example tiebreakers
Dead bus detection
Automatic Votage Regulation (AVR) including cross current compensation.
Steam turbine controller retrofits
Jacks Engineering provides steam turbine controller retrofits. In one retrofit, we replaced an analog Woodward governor with a digital equivalent. The work included obtaining the operating parameters and limits of the existing system and designing of the new control system and software specification.
Power plant control system upgrades / retrofits
Control systems tend to age faster than the equipment they are controlling due to rapid advancements in electronics and software. Retrofitting an old control system leads to a more efficient, accurate and reliable installation while lowering the cost of ownership. This results in better information about the operation of the installation, making it possible to operate engines closer to their limits without affecting engine life. This enhances the overall performance of your plant.
Limited, control-system-only and complete system upgrades
The retrofitting of existing control systems is one of the important areas of Jacks Engineerings’ expertise. We offer various levels of control system upgrades (retrofits) to suit your needs, which can take place in various shapes and formats depending on the criticality of the system involved, the money that can justifiably be spent on it and the competence already available on site. This includes the following:
Limited control system upgrades: if a particular component is causing trouble, but the installation is not highly critical, only the troubled component is replaced
Control-system-only upgrades: if the instrumentation on the engine is sufficiently modern, it is worthwhile to consider only upgrading the control system
Field instrumentation modernisation: for example, replacing the hydraulic fuel valve by an electric version or switch-type sensors by analog instruments to dramatically improve the diagnostics capability of the system
Complete system upgrades: involves "stripping and upgrading everything with a wire" to achieve a system that is as new as when first installed and meets today's standards and practices
Power plant control system consultancy / engineering services
Jacks Engineering provides consultancy / engineering services for the design of control system upgrades or independent second opinion on current projects. We can offer the following consultancy services:
Design specification
Second opinion engineering
Factory acceptance testing
Control system technical support
Besides consultancy, Jacks Engineering can provide technical support for control systems. Our staff are technically qualified and know many installations and types of equipment inside out.